It was a spark that started it all – that exciting feeling you get when you have a burst of inspiration and you just know you need to pursue it. It happened to me right after New Years, when resolutions and new beginnings were floating around to inspire. I wanted to get back to being creative, to create and be artistic. For far too long I’ve been focusing on the mundanes of everyday life and this left little room for creativity or spirituality to the point where I was questioning where I was headed.
For those who don’t know I’ve been a practising Wiccan witch for over 10 years, so working with crystals, casting spells, magic and the occult isn’t new to me. Growing up and counting The Craft and Charmed as amusing yet comforting (amusing for the constant portrayal of witches as being evil and comforting to know that finally witches were portrayed as normal badass women as was in Charmed). For me, Wicca was never about the ‘coolness’ of levitation or communing with the dead (or why ever people think dark magic and witchcraft is cool), it has always been a source of strength for me, to align with the Goddess, to become one with nature (in both respecting and appreciating it) and to ultimately find peace and realign my energies. I’ve always felt a sense of peace and positivity whenever I cast a circle or meditate and felt I really needed to find a way where I could do this more often.
This is how I came up with Unicorn Manor; a place where I could showcase my love for all things magic, where I could share this other side of me many of you probably haven’t seen before and ultimately share my love for crystals and through my #MysticUnicornCandles creations. Each Mystic Unicorn candle is handmade by yours truly, is 100% soy wax (that’s vegan/kosher/cruelty free) and certified organic ingredients – every candle recipe undergoes numerous testing stages before it becomes the finished product that you see on Unicorn Manor.

You might have noticed that our Mystic Unicorn Candles logo features our EMI UNICORN unicorn logo – it was our little easter egg to pay homage this blog, our main site. At the moment we have two types of candles in the range: PEONY MAGIC and HONEYSUCKLE BREW. Each candle is made by hand (by yours truly) with love and light, infused with certified organic herbs, hand selected crystals and magic – while each component works together to form a magical candle to relieve stress, promote love, relaxation or just to add some extra magic into your life. I’m also currently working on our next candle called MARSHMALLOW CHARM which I can tell you will be sweet but definitely won’t be floral!

My favourite thing to do is read all the lovely comments and the positive response I’ve been getting from you all about my #MysticUnicornCandles. To have something you’ve crafted meticulously with love and positive energies, it’s the best feeling to have others have the same vision as you. I started Unicorn Manor as an outlet to express my spirituality and other passion besides fashion. I love being artistic and creative, being hands on and I’m thankful that Unicorn Manor allows me to do both. The art of creativity, of creation and the feeling you get when you finish crafting something is something I urge you all to try – whether it’s painting, poetry, fashion design – whatever you’ve been dreaming of doing, just give it a go, the journey is half the fun and I can tell you, they are so rewarding!
To be honest, I’m overwhelmed and so blessed at the response I’ve gotten so far and the store has only been open a week! I can’t express how grateful and happy I am to see my beautiful #MysticUnicornCandles being shipped off across the world and for so many unicorns out there enjoying them. Thank you to everyone that has supported my vision, I really appreciate it. I hope you love this other side of me and take a look at the store – feedback is always appreciated! Love & light 🦄💖🔮Emi XOXO
Blessed be ☽◯☾