By far one of my highlight’s from MBFWA – I was honoured to attend the first solo show for Perth label Dyspnea who’s show promised 20 looks that pull inspiration from The Fifth Element, 90s bitch kitsch and Paris Hilton’s pooch (RIP Tinkerbell) and it didn’t disappoint! If you’ve seen any of Dyspnea’s pieces before, you’ll know that their ‘muthafluffas’ are signature to their designs, some might call them too 90s boring kitsche gross – I call it a unicorn’s dream! Beautiful laces, tulle ballet skirts, floral embroidery and lots of fluffs, the collection was feminine, sweet yet still sexy and daring. Styled by my gurl Jana Bartolo, the shimmery eyeshadow, wetlook hair and gold crowns helped tie in an already cohesive collection.“It’s what Lolita and Ariel would wear in a slow-motion sleepover pillow fight in your pink jelly crystal castle – all translucent errthang embellished and pommed to within an inch of its ecstatic life”
Thank you Rachel and Jameen for having me at the show – can’t wait to fill my wardrobe with your sweet fluffy delights (and shoot these beauties very soon!)