Ivory Jar's debut collection is titled Future is Nigh SS12, inspired by all things grunge and goth and pays homade to the great Alister Crowley. The collection itself is a grunge unicorn's dream: beautiful galaxy print demin jackets, studded collars/...
The last couple of days have been spent updating my media kit and this also resulted in me discovering some unused/archived editorial shots on my laptop that I just had to share with you all. Wearing: Dolce & Gabbana dress (matching flats here),...
You may remember earlier last month I posted about a one of a kind SGC Datura Dress from the latest Stolen Girlfriends Club collection, here's the rest of the collection. It's a little bit sinister and a whole lot sweet. Prints appear playful and f...
PeepToe Shoes loves Little Black Book and has a profile on my blog and I on their website as part of the Blogger Style Series. Check it out, have a read - I talk about my favourite pieces from the new Copacabana collection, summer beauty must haves a...
CHANEL Lesson of Elegance
Much to my delight I received a lovely package from Chanel revealing this cute little composition notebook featuring their Spring Summer ’13 collection shot by the talented Karl Lagerfeld. Designed like an old composition notebook, this cute campaign brochure captures the essence of the new SS’13 collection titled Lesson of Elegance. The collection itself is made up of classic Chanel: monochromatic tweeds, diaphanous multi-coloured chiffon and richly embroidered florals are paired with bright accessories, setting the tone for the season with an airy energetic aesthetic and of course such elements of tweed, quilting and pearls play strongly throughout the collection – detailing of which has become synonomous with the brand. It’s always a pleasure when I receive new campaign images and when it comes from Chanel – it’s always such a beautifully crafted piece of art that I hang on to and keep on my bookshelf.