Pastel hair: my love hate relationship

I’ve had purple hair for over 3 years now, with over half that time with tape in hair extensions. What they don’t tell you about having pastel or “crazy” coloured hair is how much hair you lose from the bleach process. In my early teens I had really thick, full hair which by my mid teens I…

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Glitter roots are the new answer to regrowth

Let’s be serious, who has the time to the salon to get your roots done every 6 weeks? One of the latest trends to pop up is the glitter roots trend, where if you want to hide your roots in between salon visits, you can casually freshen up your look with some pretty glitter… on…

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4 questions you should ask yourself before dyeing your hair pastel

Pastel hair is here to stay – from celebrities like Katy Perry, Nicole Richie and Kylie Jenner to Youtube and Blogging stars sporting unicorn pastel manes. Before you bust out the bleach, ask yourself these 4 important questions before dyeing your hair pastel. 1. Can you handle the maintenance? Having pastel hair or even rainbow hair…

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Want subtle unicorn hair? Opal Hair is the trend for you!

Looking for subtle unicorn hair but aren’t sure if you can do a bright pastel colour? We’ve got the perfect trend for you: Opal hair! If you haven’t heard of Opal Hair, it’s the latest take on My Little Pony hair reminiscent of the opal gemstone. It’s lighter, subtle yet just as effective and striking….

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Why you should dress around your hair colour

While some may look at my style now and see a variety of florals, laces, pinks, prints and textures that IMHO successfully compliments my lavender hair, it might be interesting to know that when I had my “normal” natural hair colour I would wear black day in and day out. Sure I would experiment with…

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Which pastel hair is right for YOU?

Pastel hair is here to stay whether you love it or hate it – if you’ve been wanting to dye your hair pastel but just don’t know which colour will compliment and work with your skin tone then this is the article for you! Before we start, there’s one thing I cannot stress more is…

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50 shades of pastel grey hair

50 shades of pastel grey hair

When you think of pastel hair, you usually think of pinks, purples, teals and mints but one striking yet subtle pastel shade that you might not have thought about is pastel grey.  We’re talking about 50 shades of grey – lilac grey, steele grey, blue grey, pink grey, charcoal grey – the possibilities are endless!…

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WANT PASTEL HAIR? Our step-to-step guide for pastel hair

 So you’ve been seeing the likes of Charlotte Free, Nicole Richie, Kelly Osbourne and Audrey Kitching (or some other pastel hair blogger? *cough cough Emi Unicorn*) and been in awe of their hair but have no idea how to go about getting pastel hair?  I was once that girl who would be scrolling through Tumblr, endlessly…

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VIDEO: Pastel Hair Tutorial

I hope you enjoy my first video – for everyone that’s asked me what products I use to dye my hair and achieve my pastel purple, I love using Fudge Purple Haze. Hope you enjoy the video!

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